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2020 Dems slam Michael Bloomberg over billionaire status

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Resident jobs creator leader problems are going to take all three to build country Michael will make it official over the weekend is enjoying the 2020 Democratic race with a $31 million complex and his vitals wasting no time slamming his billionaires money is a sadly and tragically a big factor in who and who moves up in the polls we do not believe that billionaires have the right to buy election that is why don't I feel it has like this for Bloomberg didn't get very far in this election is remaining a argument as have got more money than the guy in the White House I don't think them and by that you anyway I want all of them and a motivator good morning Sandra this super Tuesday strategy starts today Norfolk Virginia is where Michael Bloomberg announced about two hours ago he will kick off his presidential campaign later on this afternoon it's a campaign that is also now discussing with followers on a platform that he didn't really need for his three-year-old campaign for New York in simmering my friend Susie telling everybody why or how I think we can do better and why you envision the campaigns are all about so hopefully you will going to you my travel a lot of talk illustrating an Bloomberg team's strategy is to ping him equally as a mayor and a job creating businessman and a philanthropist and to promote him as all of those things this week and to promote them as all those things as we Michael Bloomberg is spending more money than any political candidate ever for a week of TV ads for context Bernie Sanders was upon raising the last quarter with $1.5 million raise over a few months and Bloomberg just plot down more than that by reaching into his pocket although you cannot buy your way onto a Democratic debate stage you need at least 200,000 donors but the billionaire apparently thinks he's got other ways to break out and I think Michael Burgess somebody who would match up very well against Pres. Donald Trump is certainly socially compassionate guns healthcare education fiscally prudent governor New York balance the budget so I think you somebody will be compelling in a primary and a very strong general election candidate as well Michael Bloomberg spent more money than any other outsider helping Democrats look the legislature in Virginia this fall and is trip there today suggests he is ready to going to cash in on some favors Sandra very interesting popula.

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