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Bloomberg will file for Democratic presidential primary

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Good evening something very surprising breaking election news Mike Bloomberg billionaire businessman a three-time New York City mayor is preparing to enter the Democratic race is Poston said he's expected to file the necessary paperwork to get on the Democratic primary ballot in Alabama this week Bloomberg court has considered running before you may recall in March he talked about the quote difficulty of winning the Democratic nomination in such crowded field and here's what he told back in September is the matter is you look at the layout who's download and where the country is very unlikely to get reelected to get elected but in the private sector I can make a difference of the same taken credit for some of Tuesday's big winter Democrats Bloomberg adviser Howard Wolfson explains the reason for his decision to enter the race now the current crop of Democratic candidates quote we now need to finish the job and ensure the Trump is defeated but Mike is increasingly concerned of the current field of candidates is not well-positioned to do that in a CNN poll of polls Biden leads the pack by just four points in 27% closely behind is a Surgeon General's with Warren whose unsettled some on Wall Street with her well tax a more centrist Democrats with your Medicare for all plan Biden war in are the only two above 20% warns also tie with Biden in the latest Iowa poll from Monmouth University joining CNN political commentator Democratic strategist Paul Begala metacarpal nursing a political commentator and author gaslight America also USA Today, sustainable finals edition powers incidental analysts in your times national political correspondent Alex Burns first broke the story on Alex Mayor Bloomberg has put in the past a lot of money into looking into this and really wanted to but his decided not to previously what's different now you know the biggest factor is what you just described and that statement is feeling like there's an opening in the race that may not have been there are six or eight months ago when he decided not to run a back in March he was looking at pulling the jojoba and was a very formidable front runner deep reservoir of goodwill with Democratic voters particularly moderate Democratic voters who would be the natural Bloomberg constituency the numbers Bloomberg and his advisers are looking at now I look less daunting in that department and the fact of the matter is he's not at a final final decision recorded people spoken with them directly but the earliest filing deadline in the Democratic race is tomorrow in Alabama if you doesn't filed, candidate in the next 24 hours as one state where he cannot compete so the idea is keep moving forward and put yourself in a position to compete when you really are ready to enter the race do you know when he would make that decision the way was characterized to me was more likely days then weeks which leaves a lot of wiggle room in one of the challenges looking reporting on Michael Bloomberg is because his resources are basically limitless it costs them nothing to rev up for presidential campaign even if later he backs away how much of this is kind of raising this of the flagpole and seeing in the next couple days how it shifts things or people responsible this is I think much more serious than a just a trial balloon he is making calls to a party leaders today he spoke to Harry Reid the former Senate majority leader from the data on the phone this afternoon in the way I read put it when I spoke to him was Bloomberg didn't say he was running but he wasn't going to switch rigor weekend Paul will make a this is what country can a Bloomberg what you think you would do in this race getting a good actually when a primary and when the election it certainly has resources and efforts are graduations and Alex for his of his reporting on this those moderate voters though the Alex talk about that were for Joe Biden there essentially two groups of folks African-Americans and working-class whites I literally don't know but I my suspicions about Mayor Bloomberg's ability to to appeal to them that the the Democratic nomination lies through African-Americans especially black women and I went back they looked since 1968 they started out of primaries in my party the winner of the black vote has always been the nominee and we keep obsessing on the white liberals Twitter geeks and their fine I love them but real heart of my party it is people color cryptically women of color and ever can show me they can kill the that community is a percentage to be most like a with what appears along those lines I mean if you're looking at centrist Democrats you have Joe Biden Clover char booty judge currently it in the race that would probably be the I'm just in terms of the the highest in the polls in the centrist like I think that I don't think disruptive to this race perhaps this is some people daylight because he did not comes then again coordinated right he would have to be competing with these other people think. Judge who is really on the horizon and is doing really well and Iowa for example as I think idea he's been a somehow conmen presumably he would be attacking Warren right and what is that what is that help you really think it is trying to take note trying to take out Warren what is basically doing the same he even he garners some of those votes now waiting for the dividing that my are about even more right that actually helps Warren sale and furthermore just because you're the person making the attack doesn't mean that you're the person Hill it interesting attacks are successful ejection don't a problem would be but if they were it doesn't mean you're the one against the benefit so he can come in and he could be going after Warren in sanctions to extreme and Medicare for all is going to bankrupt us but there's no reason to believe that that's can it redound to his benefits it can it could benefit I could benefit any club trying to been affected that attach out you are you I wouldn't assume that the Bloomberg Messerli gets into this race and immediately goes on the attack that when he is prepared to run for president in the past me was during up to run as an independent in 2016 the campaign that they had stayed for themselves was not about attacking Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders on the one had a Donald Trump on the other it was about running enormous volumes of positive advertising about he's an outsider is a problem solver is a businessman this is what I did as mayor of New York I think what I just absolutely right about is that his views are absolutely diametrically opposed Elizabeth Warren Bernie Sanders where the economy is concerned it would be a real challenge for him and a real opportunity for them given were the Democratic Party is to avoid getting into the kind of fight that would make him look like this plutocrat who struck by the presence of a minimum it certainly a would seem that suddenly Bloomberg views a weakness in VP Biden as a candidate and and also then he he Gaiman if this is clearly I would think he sees a weakness in the front runner in the centrist wing raise NRA at Shell is that there is a weakness or something lacking in the field wasn't money is nice my is great not by you everything especially to things that are incredibly important in this kind of race the one is a tribe we are in a time of hyper partisan politics and you need people who are going to be on fire for you that will come to rally will not endorse and I know who the automatic enough slough of Bloomberg Bloomberg motors would be at this moment in time on the second thing is it doesn't IU media chops and a lot of knowledge on executive experience he knows the issues been funding progressive groups for a long time on things like climate and gun violence which are important that if he a vessel for that message with his Bible and so he starts getting out in the media and show that he can go through a couple of top interviews and get roughed up and shows able to withstand will also what Paul even if you know a question of course Kaneohe stand toe to toe on a debate stage the present Trump but even before that you know can you stand and debate stage with the other Democratic candidates and how to seafaring that because the Alex's point you know you can say you're going to run all the positive campaign commercials you want but you know in the last debate clearly the candidates have reached a point where they are starting to realize aren't we actually have to now point out differences between us I suspect will was on it and click with people I think that the probably right when he presented couldn't get through the Democratic primary process truth is a beast devastated Donald Trump I think he snatches up very well he's actually a businessman actually a billionaire is actually a philanthropist is all the things that from thence to be but is not and I think that works very well he's got it for Democratic primary there I made is right he does have a great reservoir of goodwill for having funded of climate and particularly on gun safety I was in Virginia good to eyelid that I was a Tuesday night for the big election and the the folks from monster man from every town these groups that that have been working in many funded by Bloomberg they might really love him but bad snacking to be enough say I'm elected I'm I'm all for more people wanted to do a favor billionaire hire our consultants like I used to bake but I just at a hard time seeing him being able to the altogether I was a Joe Biden start of the race today henhouse is a 28 you 28th that we keep waiting for them to client therapy presumes a inkling everything at Jesus of faith hit the the resilience of Biden's coalition has been prepress up to me so far.

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