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Election Day Didn't Go Trump's Way

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Yesterday was election night it was an have bad news from still Pres. needs a letter like you still 362 days away but there already concerns about meddling in an unusually unified move seven federal agencies have issued a warning jointly about election interference from what they describe as malicious foreign actors which and but I think they mean that comes what's right in the leaders of the FBI NSA DOJ DoD it more warning us other countries working to influence our election basically the warning is other countries are trying to do the same thing our president just it is basically without a mostly malicious activity comes in the form of this informational social media people believe what they read so they just put whatever up there and the fascinating CNN panel today events and voters female voters in Pennsylvania February how what kind of people believe this stop and how Trump managed even get elected birthplace this will tell you all you need to know I will shorthand with a foreign entity for help with their nobody that you are comfortable with why why do you think the United States should be allowed that for military information will will present is regular president but I know they are don't I immediately there is quite a Jedi mind trick you pulled a not the prisons where last night's big night Democrats need to both houses legislature in Virginia given them total control that's the name. I have won the governorship in of all places Kentucky even after Trump went to Kentucky to personally rally the troops this week from skydiving Matt seven suffered a surprising defeat in the very traditionally Republican Kentucky was at by five points in the polls last week that from showed up to support them and he lost him in cardholders for Donald Trump is Kentucky is where it gets most of his fried chicken so that Trump was in full spin mode today's campaign said he just about Brad Bevan across the finish line at Trump himself tweeted multiple times he almost helped the Republican when the government is like the Astros bragging the almost won the World Series will worry out of the seven games in one of the other winners last night was all woman from Virginia the Suleman Spurs lost her job in 2017 after she slipped off the president's motorcade as I is marketing executive and was forced to resign so after she was I decided to run for office and she onesies on the board is magnetic field will would become the public and beaten the Virginia Trump tried to students of the today tweeted stock markets all three and another all-time and historic high yesterday you are so lucky that Ms. just getting your money what I like had the knowledge is getting a easy-to-use that more for instance very stable genius that you does Canada Mexico Bible is getting to minimize RW drive Junior very proud of you just can go in and go make public hearings in the impeachment inquiry began the white house today released another transcript of closed-door testimony despite from Trump's top diplomat to Ukraine that again confirm there was a quid pro quo evidence is mounting it as it does Republicans have been complaining privately is becoming very difficult to defend the Pres. which I not yet had considered maybe not doing that is my loaded is to get the dirt piling up yesterday we learned from the bastard to the EU a gentleman named Gordon someone revised his testimony to say there was a quid pro quo this and I donated million dollars to Trump's inauguration font this is one of Trump's guide so today the president spoke monster had to go on the law to explain why we should listen to him if his son was a credible witness a family paneling and I identified in the Netherlands is very is longer a love of family's arrival in question is you in a in a Kelly it gets a Xanax prescription refill Republicans are trying to blow the lid off the whistleblower's identity today Donald Trump Junior tweeted the alleged whistleblower's name because of course he dead and one of daddy's top apologist Kentucky Center ran all is calling on the mainstream media to divulge the name to we also now know the name of the whistleblower the whistleblower needs to come before Congress as a material witness because he worked Joe Biden at the same time hundred line was getting money corrupt oligarchs I say nine and your job printed in I didn't realize when Paul was such a girly little dwarf is an island room at the Paul campaign on the platform about individual rights to privacy staunchly oppose things like wiretapping will he's dead and the new and all is a vindictive spiteful little elf to the tree where he makes cookies to take up permanent residence in the president's ass and him and someone lawyer is a statement saying as result of of the threats to out his client which could potentially endangers client safety the safety of his family or protection the higher the neighbor will be grand Paul upcoming is back your member that guy is easy to jump on the lawnmower not marvelous neighbors name is Renée Boucher and he's joining us now live from his home hello Renée our you are having the Renée I have asked what services specifically are you providing for the whistleblower what services you hear about the time I grabbed that sniveling Harvard one more leader clump of grass video yet we have heard about tablet that will that's not really died in his estimate was what specifically have you been hired to do without a little tricky my employer just wants to retain the lawful protection he is entitled to under the whistleblower laws and of a certain little whimpering bitch with a home permanent returns as rhododendron bushes were to follow him he might get another visit from my right candle of you want to know saying it the old one is say but you know it's a crime to physically threaten a sitting senator right well is fingering whistleblower and I what kind of a name is ran like a nightstand from IKEA you and I know that because I keep getting his mail all really look at this case of 30 erectile dysfunction phone or bar I thought hell are those owners I sounds like maybe a I I think Blu-ray is working with have a stick have been visited on providing a side busy Elizabeth Hurley what is everything all right today story Jimmy I got a gold how can you run your baby likely and as I think you like the video click subscribe and will be together until one of us dies.

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