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Republicans demand Schiff testify in impeachment probe

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Letter from Republican lawmakers is demanding that Adam Schiff testify as to his contacts with the so-called whistleblower moron that just had the first night we are inching closer and closer to truth and justice in holding those that abuse power accountable as I think I take a while is there's probably so many of them the dorm probe is now a full-scale criminal investigation the Horwitz report is expected to be out this month I know we were also told that last month but hopefully we'll get this month and a day of reckoning is on the horizon for the deep state from the range investigation into Hillary Clinton to the dirty still dossier to rampant evidence of Pfizer abuse the media mob continues to ignore the real 2016 election scandal and tonight were learning even more about a massive media scandal because journalist Lisa met any new bombshell book has uncovered more evidence of a possible pay to publish scheme involving fusion GPS and high profile reporters and as our own Granger points out the so-called whistleblower may even be implicated in the upcoming FISA report due to his alleged ties to John Brennan and others now the hysteria we see over Ukraine is just the latest chapter in what's been a three year long campaign you guys been that long to think about three years of constant lies smears besmirch meant to take down I duly elected president it is an never ending impeachment of session from even before I would argue that before is it actual election this is now about overturning the results of the 2016 election and overturning the will of the American.

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