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US Administration contradicts China and itself in trade war announcements

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We begin with timeout (chain continues to fall in October ex post optimal .9% compared to the a before one imports plunged 6.4% even with trade with US is down almost 60% now that's in the midst of an ongoing trade war between the world's two biggest economies and it's unclear if that enhance insights one day after China announced an agreement between the two governments to roll back to a guitarist reports out about opposition from the White House and while I'm clearing my throat I'm happy to welcome iCarly Kathy Delaney and the front foot till in front fidgeting these financial how to find out more about this latest tariff truce isn't going to happen the White House doesn't seem to be talking about it I read the nude among investors among trade analysis is certainly confusion today I there by the end of the day yesterday and that that the comments are in the White House are contradicting only China's agreement announcement but also each other one of that comment that's getting a lot of attention today is that announcement from Peter Navarro top trade advisor present this the trade and the terrorists are not on the table for fair eyes for taking and out of the agreements and that this is wishful thinking so I think there's a lot of confusion and also more caution among investors because this interest does I can the table how are they going to into how are they going to get China had said to agree on on some of these larger issues that aren't on the table right now I think investors are becoming more cautious immersing the reflected in a mixed reaction and market today this mean back to square one item means are back to square one I think it means where were back where we were a week ago I this what is a agreement was initially announced in October and the has made concrete steps towards reaching a final deal here on that China has made some concessions on agricultural practices they indicated they're willing to intellectual property protections that I think this through the noise around this Teresi reduction is is definitely going to create some confusion it certainly has over the past couple of days but they they are living for the deal and also under increasing pressure to strike a deal both the US and Chinese economies have been slowing a lot and officially he considered appointing election year next year for Donald Trump they both want to reach a deal that there's still a lot of questions only with our DNS is one deal that would happen after that when it is addressed some of the bigger issue so they still have a long way to go where we really need fixing progress parent .

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