Joe Biden just made his first big mistake as president


Joe Biden just made his first big mistake as president

There's a golden rule in politics: Don't mess with a member in his or her home state unless you want trouble.

Which is why it's more than a little perplexing that Vice President Kamala Harris gave an interview to a local West Virginia TV station late last week expressly designed to put pressure on West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin (D) to support the Biden administration's $1.9 trillion Covid-19 stimulus plan.
"To your point in West Virginia, one in seven families is describing their household as being hungry, one in six can't pay their rent, and one in four small businesses are closing permanently or have already closed, so it's a big issue in West Virginia and across the country," Harris told WSAZ. "And that's why the president and I are offering the American Rescue Plan."
    Which -- BREAKING NEWS! -- Manchin didn't like.
    "I saw [the interview], I couldn't believe it. No one called me [about it]," Manchin told WSAZ over the weekend. "We're going to try to find a bipartisan pathway forward, but we need to work together. That's not a way of working together."

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