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Anderson Cooper: Rudy Giuliani's name mentioned at least 78 times in transcripts"

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Hours ago we received a preview of what the first day of public hearings in the House impeachment inquiry holes for the president and a damning day may be for him the closed-door testimony the top diplomat named George Kent and it confirms much of the testimony that we reported on this week namely that according to can't Ukrainians were going to get their security money unless they committed to investigations to Biden's quid pro quo which is one way to call it others called a shakedown in extortion and bribery those are other names Called a quote campaign of lies" Ken Starr deputy assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs also spelled out how his own State Department left officials to twist in the wind as Rudy Giuliani pursued a campaign of in George Kent's words mind slander and Couey Giuliani's name by the way mention of the 78 times during the closed-door hearing Kent also said this during testimony quote POTUS wanted nothing less than Pres. Zielinski to go to the microphone and say investigations Biden and Clinton continues as was shorthand for 2016 election and can't as we mentioned earlier says he does believe there may have been a quid pro quo on the basis of Ukraine obtaining a quote meeting with the White House other words announce investigations and you get your face-to-face with Pres. Trump said he had concerns about quote an effort to initiate politically motivated prosecutions that were interest to the rule of law he also said that Ukrainians quote understood that Mr. Giuliani asserted he represented Mr. Tromp in his private capacity affect Giuliani confirmed in a tweet last night quote investigation I conducted concerning 2016 Ukrainian collusion and corruption was done solely as a defense attorney to defend my client against false charges the Changing as one after another were disproven that tweak though it really clear this up fact, the opposite people quickly point out how it contradicts what his client the president had been saying legal scholar Laurence tribe tweeted quote this is nothing less than a confession the present Trump was shaking down Ukraine Pres. Zielinski not for the nation's benefit but for the political benefit of Donald J Trump is Rudy's private client will talk with Prof. trotted out back when he joins me a bit later on back to George Kent he's going to answer questions again in the first day of public testimony next week to discuss financing of local reporter namely to Henderson seen landless and author famed Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein Plessy and chief legal analyst and former federal prosecutor and author Jeffrey Joubert once again Jeff Greenberg Giuliani at the center vest and in one Tweet essentially exposes his client will in in the question has always been what was he doing and who was he doing it for you his view is in in the tweet that will untwist it was all just work as a defense attorney so if that's the case why is he making American foreign policy over there why is he deciding whether you this a goes through or not whether the president of the United States meets with the present is the of of Ukraine every witness that is come forward so far has said that those were the real objectives of American foreign-policy was in a multiple time said oh go talk to Rudy know for the details on this even Senators Lansky talk to really talk to ready wit you and Rudy according to Rudy was just a defense lawyer not an it not an not a American government official in calling the president quote wanted nothing less than Zielinski to go to microphone and basically say investigations Biden and Clinton that's what can George Kent testified to make it that's pretty clear it's not only clear what this is about is a conspiracy driven by the President of the United States with his lawyer to undermine the American electoral system through the intervention of a foreign power in our elections it is a good definition of a high crime this is it's exactly the same thing that Nixon was impeached for and was one of the articles of impeachment trying to undermine the electoral process through sabotage and political espionage we've got it all over again except in this instance it may be a lot worse because of the interest of foreign power near the the things I can't wasn't directly in discussions with the present about this which is what Republicans will point to special next week when his test my on camera he also didn't know whether the investigation was tied to military aid so is that in and of itself a win for the White House anyway then he said Republicans have been hammering this point on not only with this witness will comported on next week but also with Bill Taylor rain the idea that this is all third and fourth hand I information in some ways and that they never talk to the present and you are the president other other other of his advisers say they really know these people are but again I think the time talk about Giuliani right here the tide to all of this right you a people are not is engaging out with Julianne Joe Giuliani at various times in the present obviously telling people that Giuliani is is the point person for this idea that they can insulate I Giuliani off from the present in that Giuliani is it on directly representing what the president wants easiest if somehow skiing quid pro quo I in terms of the holdup of the money and the deliverable from from the Zielinski in the Ukraine and it it's very hard to separate the president from this given what Giuliani I said in the event that that the president over and over again to talk to Rudy talk to the point I you know that this very interesting parallel between what when on with the money to stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal before the before the end of the campaign Michael: was the executor of that deliver the delivery of that money and the Pres. within the candidate was insulated and and at least for a time could say well you know Michael Cohen was doing just woody Stewart here it's Giuliani and at as as the cutout of the stakes are of course agreed to hire because were talking about American for the holidays model is easy of that's right and we have the conversation itself in which the President of the United States makes the connection and makes it clear that he is driving the conspiracy is that Jeff just a legal front of John Bolton didn't show up for testimony today Democrats are saying they you're not a superior hand they don't want to know a court battle to slow down that their inquiry does that make sense because when Fulton seems essential of we don't know what he would say but if there was a time when the president talked about and about this that would be directly from the present it's a trade-off I deny I certainly think Bolton is the key key witness year and could blow the case wide open even to the point of getting perhaps Republicans to to to turn on the president but but the calendar is what Nancy Pelosi wants and she has committed to get this not just through the intelligence committee not just through the judiciary committee with through the House of Representatives impeachment Don by the end of the year even if that's looks to January let's say there is absolutely no way a District Court plus the circuit Court of Appeals and to say nothing of the Supreme Court could get a resolution with Bolton a done by that point so there is can you give up on.

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