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Donald Trump May Return To "The Apprentice" After Presidency Ends

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Him and Salzman having a rough week but he may have something to look forward to because Trump and apprentice creator Mark Burnett evidently discussing their next TV show for after the trunk presidency weight you saying there's an after the Trump presidency second note to self live him and be a radical new idea other exploring is tentatively called the apprentice White House oh I'm excited to see those challenges right would be written Michael's meatloaf you first challenge abandon the candidates to the line all Kurdish audience tonight for planning even though he's been off the apprentice for a few years he hasn't lost his love of firing people according to a new study Trump has been the biggest turnover of any recent president has lost 41% of the Cabinet Sec.'s deputy secretaries and undersecretaries appointed in his first year in office explains the sign them from the White House command were hiring and get out were firing will the staff turnover according to someone close to the president Trump feels isolated and is complained that he has no one in whom he can confide old no I'm not sure I'm ready for IMO Trump is good I feel he is a nice early on there were staff members around not only try to temper his worst instincts we were worried was spending too much time indoors something as one person said you've got to get him out of the White House I could not agree more and present suggested taking the present dinner at the Peking gourmet in as a therapeutic diversion he did not work a homebody by nature Trump said no probably for the best you want to take Donald Trump to a Chinese restaurant in always going to slap tariffs on the later I knew his president G impersonation is she on with one former White House official explains a lot of times when he's venting a Tweet storm it's often because it feels Miller is helping me on this so I have to pound my chest didn't do it you it thousands just like a gorilla King of the jungle and Lindsey Graham the bugs out of his hair will will follow this will all of this sweetie has some people worried is another former official put it he was never completely hinged the trip from where he was on hand as he is now that was not Longstreth okay okay you got a man of a loaded house typing nonsense and slowly going insane always sounds like that new sequel to the shining the whining here is a I think we know who the spooky twins would be a is for our and our laws a lot of blood in this elevator by Belinda exclusive footage of inside the White House today on we got got news of one or Trump official listing back onto the scene former Atty. Gen. and in-house counsel to the lollipop Guild Jeff sessions that you may remember Jeff sessions from humiliating him for two years well now sessions is back he plans to run to reclaim his former Alabama Senate seat and his former Alabama booster seat over the weekend so they sent word to sessions that he would publicly attack him if you ran unless we can Trump repeatedly denounced sessions saying he was a jerk but sessions is jump in it anyway and you can be quite a race as one of his Republican primary opponents will be former Senate candidate and will miss to miss he molested this in the whole name all Roy Moore along with the Sue you can pick Roy Moore Jeff sessions so many choices so my choices you know what I'm than writing penny wise and go that in the curtain is at 11 going now with long odds on the present promising to publicly attack him what could Jeff sessions be thinking with joining us now to tell with the man himself former Atty. Gen. Jeff sessions him and know so well I'm come upon the city is living in fresheners are made to go there we go to Disney World to learn out the only one with the only thing we had called on hunger .

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