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Everything Tom Steyer Said During the Democratic Debate in Atlanta

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The special interests that $400 million into the political process to influence that is over $300 million of their own money and support your political goals how do you respond to critics who see you in the embodiment of a special interest what I've done over the last decade is to put together coalitions of ordinary American citizens to take on unchecked corporate power we have a broken government in Washington DC it's been purchased by corporations over the last decade with the help of the American people have taken on and beating the oil companies we've taken on a related tobacco companies taken on MBE utilities taken on leaving the drug companies I've also built one of the largest grassroots organizations in the United States last year NexGen America did the largest youth voter mobilization in American history I also in partnership with seven national not going to million doors in 2016 and 10 million in 2018 what I've done is to try to push power down to the American people to take power away from the corporations who thought on the and I'm talking now about structural reform in Washington DC term limits if you want bold change in the United States have to have new and different people in charge I'm the only person on this stage will talk about term limits VP Biden won't Sen. Sanders or even met before will not talk about term limits and structural to I would let the American people flaws themselves direct democracy needs time to push the dark is DC and when you look at inequality in United States of America you have to start with housing where you put your head at night determines so many things about your life that determines where your kids go to school it determines the air you breathe where you shop how long it takes you to get to work we've seen in California is as a result of policy we have millions to view housing units and that affects everybody in California it starts with a homeless crisis that goes all through the state but also includes skyrocketing rents affect every single working person in the state of California I understand exactly what needs to be done here which is we need to change policy and we need to apply resources here to make sure we build literally millions of new units but the other thing that really true about building these units is open in a way that sustainable but in fact only build units where people live as a dramatic impact on climate and on sustainability so we have to direct dollars have to change policy and make sure the localities and municipalities worked very hard to make sure that there are no new housing units built in their towns have to change that I would have to force with and without the direct federal dollars to make sure that those units are affordable so that working people live in places I is percent of their income on rent Rachel I'm the only person on this stage will save the climate is the number one priority for me VP five most Sen. 12 it's a state of emergency and I would declare a state of emergency on day one I would use the emergency powers of the presidency I know that we have to do this I spent a decade fighting and leading oil companies stopping pipelines stopping fossil fuel plants ensuring clean energy across the country I know that we have to do this I also know that we can do this I would make this the number one priority of my foreign-policy as well we can do this and create literally millions of good paying union jobs across this country I would make sure that my climate policy was led by environmental justice and members of the communities where this society has chosen to put our air and water pollution which are low income black and brown communities and when we asked how we pull this country together how about this we take on the biggest challenge in history we save the world and we do it together doubtful America together I do I came to the conclusion over 10 years ago the climate for the absolute, larger society I was an unintended consequence of our whole country being based on fossil fuels everybody in this room has lived an economy based on fossil fuels and we all have to come to the same conclusion that I came to over a decade ago were waiting for Congress to pass one of the bills and I know everybody in this stage is this Congress has never passed an important climate bill problem which continues to get worse
saying it's a state of emergency slicing its priority one priority one it's not Don Imus is something where we absolutely have to address up front to make it the most important thing and we can use it to rebuild and reimagine what the United States is becoming the moral leaders of the world again while we clean up our air and water and create millions of good paying jobs but I want to talk about how order to win in 2020 item me to change the subject by think it's sort of important of the Democratic Party not only be The special interests that $400 million into the political process to influence that is over $300 million of their own money and support your political goals how do you respond to critics who see you in the embodiment of a special interest what I've done over the last decade is to put together coalitions of ordinary American citizens to take on unchecked corporate power we have a broken government in Washington DC it's been purchased by corporations over the last decade with the help of the American people have taken on and beating the oil companies we've taken on a related tobacco companies taken on MBE utilities taken on leaving the drug companies I've also built one of the largest grassroots organizations in the United States last year NexGen America did the largest youth voter mobilization in American history I also in partnership with seven national not going to million doors in 2016 and 10 million in 2018 what I've done is to try to push power down to the American people to take power away from the corporations who thought on the and I'm talking now about structural reform in Washington DC term limits if you want bold change in the United States have to have new and different people in charge I'm the only person on this stage will talk about term limits VP Biden won't Sen. Sanders or even met before will not talk about term limits and structural to I would let the American people flaws themselves direct democracy needs time to push the dark is DC and when you look at inequality in United States of America you have to start with housing where you put your head at night determines so many things about your life that determines where your kids go to school it determines the air you breathe where you shop how long it takes you to get to work we've seen in California is as a result of policy we have millions to view housing units and that affects everybody in California it starts with a homeless crisis that goes all through the state but also includes skyrocketing rents affect every single working person in the state of California I understand exactly what needs to be done here which is we need to change policy and we need to apply resources here to make sure we build literally millions of new units but the other thing that really true about building these units is open in a way that sustainable but in fact only build units where people live as a dramatic impact on climate and on sustainability so we have to direct dollars have to change policy and make sure the localities and municipalities worked very hard to make sure that there are no new housing units built in their towns have to change that I would have to force with and without the direct federal dollars to make sure that those units are affordable so that working people live in places I is percent of their income on rent Rachel I'm the only person on this stage will save the climate is the number one priority for me VP five most Sen. 12 it's a state of emergency and I would declare a state of emergency on day one I would use the emergency powers of the presidency I know that we have to do this I spent a decade fighting and leading oil companies stopping pipelines stopping fossil fuel plants ensuring clean energy across the country I know that we have to do this I also know that we can do this I would make this the number one priority of my foreign-policy as well we can do this and create literally millions of good paying union jobs across this country I would make sure that my climate policy was led by environmental justice and members of the communities where this society has chosen to put our air and water pollution which are low income black and brown communities and when we asked how we pull this country together how about this we take on the biggest challenge in history we save the world and we do it together doubtful America together I do I came to the conclusion over 10 years ago the climate for the absolute, larger society I was an unintended consequence of our whole country being based on fossil fuels everybody in this room has lived an economy based on fossil fuels and we all have to come to the same conclusion that I came to over a decade ago were waiting for Congress to pass one of the bills and I know everybody in this stage is this Congress has never passed an important climate bill problem which continues to get worse
saying it's a state of emergency slicing its priority one priority one it's not Don Imus is something where we absolutely have to address up front to make it the most important thing and we can use it to rebuild and reimagine what the United States is becoming the moral leaders of the world again while we clean up our air and water and create millions of good paying jobs but I want to talk about how order to win in 2020 item me to change the subject by think it's sort of important of the Democratic Party not only be Donald Trump in 2020 would have a sweeping victory across the country and what it means to turn out in United States of America Democratic Party keeps talk about trying to persuade a few people who are Republicans to like us when often people don't vote at all because they think neither party tells the truth: deals with my issues the system is broken why would result but what we found NexGen America is that is the start of a conversation about why folks are so important and if you 2018 and flipping the house really happened was Democrats Democratic voting went up by three quarters and congressional districts for NexGen America was turning out young people the turnout went up by more than 100% so for us to win for everybody on this stage for whoever's the candidate to have I sent Democratic for us to have a sweeping victory that we are going to have next year it's a turnout question would have to tell the truth thyroid and organize across this countryI started by saying that everybody here is more patriotic and more confident in the criminal White House and I stand by that statement but I'm different from everybody else on this stage I know that the government in Washington DC is broken I know that it's been purchased by corporations and I spent a decade putting together coalitions of ordinary American citizens to be those corporations I'm the only one on this stage is willing to talk about structural change in Washington itself term limits disorganization bold changes were to need new and different people in charge I'm the only person on this stage spent decades building an international business whoever of us to the Democratic nominee is going to have to face Mr. Trump or the Republican and talk about the economy talk about growth understand that we can make Mr. Trump that he is a fraud and a failure on the economy which is a strong point. in 2020 would have a sweeping victory across the country and what it means to turn out in United States of America Democratic Party keeps talk about trying to persuade a few people who are Republicans to like us when often people don't vote at all because they think neither party tells the truth: deals with my issues the system is broken why would result but what we found NexGen America is that is the start of a conversation about why folks are so important and if you 2018 and flipping the house really happened was Democrats Democratic voting went up by three quarters and congressional districts for NexGen America was turning out young people the turnout went up by more than 100% so for us to win for everybody on this stage for whoever's the candidate to have I sent Democratic for us to have a sweeping victory that we are going to have next year it's a turnout question would have to tell the truth thyroid and organize across this countryI started by saying that everybody here is more patriotic and more confident in the criminal White House and I stand by that statement but I'm different from everybody else on this stage I know that the government in Washington DC is broken I know that it's been purchased by corporations and I spent a decade putting together coalitions of ordinary American citizens to be those corporations I'm the only one on this stage is willing to talk about structural change in Washington itself term limits disorganization bold changes were to need new and different people in charge I'm the only person on this stage spent decades building an international business whoever of us to the Democratic nominee is going to have to face Mr. Trump or the Republican and talk about the economy talk about growth understand that we can make Mr. Trump that he is a fraud and a failure on the economy which is a strong point.

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