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Hannity: Madness consumes the media mob

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Vogler had a busy night tonight we are tracking several big breaking stories including no information on the Pfizer abuse report fallout surrounding another massive live from all the Pres. Coulter Pocahontas Elizabeth Warren as she is now almost as bad at lying is your corrupt media mob and even the congenital liar year the corrupt compromise Adam Schiff is a all about a new investigation also into previously be quid pro quo Joe and a lot of details of first advice monologue we start with a closer look at the mainstream media mob and they are a mob and their allies in the Democratic Party is over the past week we have witnessed more the same madness now consumes pretty much 99% immediate in this country now to be a Democrat or part of the mob there is no objective truth in your rage Trump every second of every day world you have to be a member yet that zero intellectual honesty selective moral outrage only no common sense no reason and breathtaking hypocrisy of the moms mobs nonstop coverage of the congenital liar Schiff and his impeachment charade it wasn't just maddening it was also full of lies and outright propaganda and misinformation they spent an entire week digging for evidence that doesn't just exist and predictably breathlessly hyping testimony filled with lessee conflicting confusing statements almost all of it on hearsay conjecture and what or people's opinions about a transcript wielding their interpretation was we actually get to read it ourselves and decide for yourself none of it would be admissible or ever count no evidence in a real court of law here is a small sample of how sick ugly twisted and despicable they really articulate allegedly abused his power for private gain by pressuring Ukraine use of office For trumps personal day expense of he use the security in the international relationships that we are required to have for the security of our country as a bargaining chip for his own personal gain Pres. Trump extorts a partner who's under duress for his personal political benefit were talking about here is a bribery extortion scheme it was a Republican or Democrat extortionist extortion and bribery is bribery to talk about Joe oh now somehow the very same time these very same people follow me here they have literally bifurcated cut in half their brain after literally Schaub one half of their brain and downplay video evidence of the real corruption that there acting so outraged about that in this case has incontrovertible overwhelming evidence the words it really was a quid pro quo but we would Joe 30330 shaking down the country of Ukraine and bragging about it now you're not getting $1 billion in less you fire the prosecutor who's investigating my zero experience on wow you not getting the billion less you fire that guy because your investigating him is no experience and he's making millions and millions of dollars now shopper second how can the same people all last week in the mob in the media have been the same people in in the news industry their journalist who so outraged the Pres. Trump for doing nothing zip yet totally completely ignore the biggest slamdunk case of what they say that they are so outraged about you have to ignore the indisputable fact of Hunter Biden he was making millions and millions of dollars serving on the board of corrupt Ukrainian oil and gas company have to ignore the fact the Hunter at zero experience in oil gas energy or Ukraine you have to ignore the fact that Hunter Biden was hired just weeks after his father was appointed to lead White House policy Ukraine Ignore the fact that VP Joe Biden leveraged 1 billion tax dollars and bragging about it to force out a Ukrainian prosecutor the same one investigating his son that is all that none of that is in dispute but the mob and the meeting said this is one big is only conspiracy theory nobody's ever really proven it always investigated we are and where to get to the bottom of take a look is vice president Pres. Trump has falsely accused your son of doing something wrong while serving in the company boarding Ukraine point out there's no evidence of wrongdoing like either one of you proof whatsoever that Joe Biden did anything wrong or that Hunter Biden did anything wrong for trumps claims about wrongdoing here are unsubstantiated we of luck to lots about outlets of luck job at making a wholly unsubstantiated claim that he alleges corruption by dividing there is no evidence of any wrongdoing in reality Joe Biden with the one working to purge corruption from Ukraine and utterly baseless theory is a very Joe Biden there's no evidence or observer been any evidence that he was doing anything but trying to get the Ukraine government crackdown on corruption leaves gel alone is legally mandated Varese nonevent that the Biden from is a bunch of BS about so despicable and corrupt the Democrats in the mob are how is it no evidence we've all look if you look to you here Joe bragging you're not getting 1 billion he's leveraging the money and if you look closer watch Hunter Biden on GMA what he daily said no I have no experience what once was on board an Amtrak all there's a ton of experience this level of groupthink is not only despicable what you just watched is dangerous there about their losing now I say mob in the media for reason they are a mob with the mob mentality in a mob mindset that don't care about their breathtaking hypocrisy obviously there their hatred Trump all that is superior to everything else don't care about the lies that there telling the propaganda this writing the conspiracy theories are spinning the hoaxes that they continue to perpetrate one right after another after another after another Lutheran the little bubble little echo chamber as a whole rest of the country that those live in DC New York LA and San Francisco and their bubble is filled with every second minute hour of every 24 hour day Trump rage psychosis venom and I was resulted in this endless stream of fake hysteria lying propaganda misinformation smearing slander distortion everything in between have been crying wolf for three long years and by the way not done a thing for you me American people now one thing have these people done except bring us to the brink of impeachment while they look I have not seen anything like this since October 20, 1973 when Pres. Nixon fired Archibald Cox Nixon Richard Nixon Watergate echoes of Watergate a giant step toward impeachment impeachment impeachment impeachment impeachment impeachment implications are now in air the present will be removed from office and bombshell bombshell bombshell on bombshell caused outbound shelved bottles Bonsall stories dropping seemingly every day he will resign the presidency Warmington is rapidly decent resigned design presidencies the walls closing in was lashing out his he feels the walls closing in closing in you can feel the thread being pulled to feel the close article of the Emperor I believe is the beginning of… He's done there's no question about that selective moral outrage and that's what the mob looks like said sick it's dangerous the facts don't fit their narrative they does live a life of three years about Trump Russia the collusion hoax lied about the allegations against Justice Kavanagh a whatever say the sorry a line about Lebanon high school students I go Nicholas Samet by the way Nicholas Sam and I predict is going to be one of the wealthiest kids in the country pretty soon they lied about Ukraine they're lying about the Biden every single day they lie when they say that their journalist journalists and yet they of the bald old there was want to criticize us look at make new CNN all if only reporting actually using while this guy wouldn't have a job be so bad a TV this low rated stenographer of Jeff soccer there Pres.'s name is Humpty Dumpty is Michael E dedicated an entire segment he doesn't have my only the million viewers on a show to sparsely watch Sunday show critiquing our coverage of shifts impeachment charade calling Ukrainian interference in the 26th election conspiracy theory the problem Ukrainian court determined otherwise maybe want to go look at what politico said on January 11, 2017 and read about Alexander Chula but Ukrainian Embassy in Washington and how successful they weren't interfering helping Hillary in China her Donald Trump but then minutes later and they feature guest suggesting that Pres. Trump is a destructive cult leader using mind control on his supporters and humpy is just one of many of the monitors taking order from there their leader their fearless leader fake news chief Jeff soccer there whole purpose of this low rated the last-place existence so-called news network channel is like attack the channels are successful and if it wasn't so sick it's actually pretty funny is very entertaining to me in order to deflect from their own constant lying and their own conspiracies and their own hoaxes while and of course there anti-Trump bias every second of the day they does lie and more and more think they claim others are guilty of what they do every day all day so we got a real crisis of information in the country make no mistake figment CNN area 51 yes Roswell Rachel Maddow's conspiracy television network MSDN see whole channel tries the duplicate when she does have zero fidelity to truth zero fidelity to truth and nothing but the truth to the rule of law equal justice under law equal application of the laws equal application of standards Joe and Hunter that's why it is up to us I guess by the levetiracetam one shown table lose thanks all of you we will remind them that Ukrainian interference in the 2016 elections actually happened that's why we will that quid pro quo Joe and Hunter in the rest of the radical extreme socialist Democratic field they'll never do it that's why will be up to us to call out yes the compromise the corrupt congenital liar Schiff in the ship show what it really is just another effort to smear Pres. Trump undo will duly elected president by the way will kick at all over the the hearsay or opinion witnesses and a hearsay non-whistleblower whistleblower was communicating apparently woodchips office early on to this report January 2017 Washington Times this individual might have actually benefited from one of Pres. Obama's final directives while doing to the next president that what you didn't want in your administration giving whistleblowers new protections against the executive branch this came in the final weeks of the Obama presidency and as a Washington Times columnist put it quote this is in stark contrast to when he entered office in 2009 Obama waged the war against this community and his administration prosecuted nine whistleblowers under the 1917 espionage act more than double that of all other previous a ministrations combine but the mob all Pres. Trump is bad and well Obama's a saint again it's crystal clear have an agenda zero fidelity to truth and unwavering allegiance to their own far extreme left-wing socialist agenda.

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