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Navy secretary 'fired' for proposing 'secret agreement' with White House in SEAL case

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Writing is a commercial case and 80 feel Edward Gallagher a senior official telling CNN any secretary Richard B Spencer has been cared for going out his chain of command and proposing a secret agreement with the White House according to this officials to propose to reveal and Congress came with a secret guaranteed healthcare would be allowed to keep the status the Navy seal a quick reminder Gallagher was convicted opposing the body detainee Pres. Trump reinstated his rank after he was demoted as punishment CNN Pentagon reporter Mike Brown is following this fourth line the officials that Spencer was fired for circumventing his own chain of command working eight-hour water were hearing stories are very different stories about exactly why Sec. Mineta Richard Spencer was fired from his job at the Pentagon issuing a statement saying the Secretary of Defense Mark Esper had found out that as Spencer had conducted be secret talks supposedly with the White House about the fate of any Gallagher who is due to face a review board about whether he would keep his status as a Navy seal according to the Pentagon Spencer had made a secret deal with the White House and that he intended to keep Gallagher in the Navy SEALs to allow the review to go for now were hearing two very different stories one from Pres. Trump who says Spencer was fired in a tweets of that Spencer was fired because of how he handled the Gallagher case overall and because of cost overruns and with regards the Navy contracting and we got a letter from Spencer himself he says he was fired because of his refusal to follow in order that he thought would violate good order and discipline that was unethical that is likely referring to the Gallagher case here and present Trump's clearly stated desire to keep Gallagher in the Navy SEALs so security unusual to have such three count of conflicting stories about a senior member of the Pentagon of the Navy secretary of course Spencer's been one of the longest-serving members the Trump administration he joined very early on into 20 17th is a former Marine he is actually served as brief time as the acting secretary defense or has been much controversy surrounding his time in post but this Gallagher case which has been prominent on Fox news I would has been prominent in prison Trump's Twitter feed has seem to cause his downfall and all that now were it talk about the present latest week on this route thank you for your reporting Pres. Trump is responding to the Navy secretary firing and he's also naming his replacement let's get straight the financier me… The White House and Senate tweets starting lineup with the reason the Department of Defense gave for Sec. Spencer's firing what e-learning that's right as I just laid out there are three different versions of this story out there right now three different versions of why Richard Spencer Spencer was forced to resign in the wake of this any Gallagher controversy let's read with the president is saying he says I was not pleased with the way the Navy seal any Gallagher's trial was handled by the Navy he was treated very badly but despite this was completely exonerated on all major charges he says I then restored any Gallagher's rank likewise large cost overruns from past administrations contracting procedures were not addressed to my satisfaction therefore sector of the Navy Richard Spencer services have been terminated by Secretary of Defense Mark Esper right he then goes on to thank Richard Spencer for his service and he says that he plans to nominate Amb. to Norway can brought wrath weight who is a retired rear at the retired admiral of the Navy need the Pres. calls in a man of great achievement and success now with also notable in the presence tweets here is that he says that any Gallagher will indeed retain his Trident pin which signals his membership in as a Navy seal that is notable because that is what defense officials had been raising concerns about in fact the Defense Department says that that the Richard Spencer was fired busy trying to work out an arrangement with the White House going around Mark Esper to allow exactly this to happen to allow any Gallagher to its high road to retire out while maintaining his membership in the Navy SEALs so this is really quite remarkable circumstance that were seen particularly because the present is ultimately getting the exact outcome that he wanted but despite all those concerns and even in the wake of the firing of the Navy secretary Tammy the White House forced painkilling in military policing here now I joining this retired U.S. Army Lieut. Gen. Mark currently general what's your reaction to all of this confusion and a complete failures and personal money stories involved with benefit Brian Brian and Germany just brought up the different aspects of this in reading the resignation letter or the termination Q will of Sechrist Sen. Spencer was a whole lot more to this and what's being reported right now you have certainly understandable a Sec. Spencer went to the president behind secretary Esper the Defense Secretary's back as he secretary Esper in general Milli were petitioning the president to back off of this case and let it go through the administrative processes.

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