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Trump Says China Is 'Dying' to Make a Trade Deal

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My administration is taking the toughest ever action to confront China's trade abuses were taking in billions and billions of dollars in tariffs to China his faith for web China because the devaluing their currency to such an extent and therefore in tremendous amounts of cash into the system to having the worst year in more than 57 years more than half a century their supply chains are cracking very badly and they are dying to make a deal with the ones of deciding whether or not we want to make with plus a significant phase 1 trade deal with China could happen would happen soon but we will only accept a deal of this good for the United States and our workers and our great companies because we've been hit very hard we have deficits for many years go back many years $500 billion a year not $500 million or Zola $500 billion a year trade deficits with China however with many other countries is not nearly as large China probably makes up almost 60% of our different.

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